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Languages English



Specific English Language Areas

|  General English  |  Literature in English  |  Professional and Business English  |  Academic English  | 

|  English Language Skills Training for Corporates and NGOs  |   Professional English training for Talents under QMAS (高才通)  |  

|  English Language Assessment and Preparatory Courses  | 

At HKU SPACE, we design and offer courses to meet your goals for General English, Business English and English for the Professions. These range from 30 hours to 90 hours and cover a broad spectrum of levels.

Reasons to improve your English at HKU SPACE:

  •  Polish your interpersonal and career skills
  •  Learn to communicate ideas more effectively
  •  Interact confidently with overseas and English speaking people
  •  Fine-tune your presentations and writing to project better impressions
  •  Stay up to date by learning about current English use
  •  Sharpen your competitive edge in today's global workplace


English Langauge Assessments

LINGUASKILL – the NEW Cambridge English Language Benchmark Test

This is the benchmark test in support of Continuing Education Fund (CEF) reimbursements of English Language course and benchmark test fees.   This replaces the former Business Language Testing Service (BULATS) offered by the University of Cambridge. 

The Cambridge Assessment English offers organisations a quick and convenient way of checking the English Language proficiency levels of your employees – the Linguaskill Tests. 

  • Linguaskill General
  • Linguaskill Business
  • Linguaskill Test & Continuing Education Fund
  • For Individual English Language Learners
  • For Corporates
  • For Immigrants
  • For HKDSEE Candidates
  • For University Applicants
  • Linguaskill Test Report & Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR)
  • Cambridge Linguaskill Test in Hong Kong

For details, please follow this link: 


Assessment Preparation Courses


We Study • We Practise • We Master 《活學英語 創展未來》

English Programmes

Programmes Type

Programme Type


Start Date

Class Schedule

Financial Assistance


Hong Kong Island


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This programme is designed for students who seek to advance knowledge of the English language system and develop higher language awareness and communication skills. Apart from face-to-face learning in the classroom, students participate in self-directed and experiential learning outside the classroom, i.e., e-learning and English Immersion Activities.
Start 22 AUG 2024 (THU)
Duration 12 months
Fee HK$14,000
This programme aims to provide students with a comprehensive and solid preparation for IELTS (International English Language Testing System), thereby maximising their potential in achieving a higher band score for further studies or career advancement. This programme enables students to enhance their competence in the key language skills (including listening, speaking, reading, writing, vocabulary and grammar), develop essential test-taking strategies, undertake intensive practice, accumulate practical test-taking experience, and acquire comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the topics that are commonly assessed in both types of IELTS, namely IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training.
Through systematic and innovative delivery of flexible learning (i.e. real-time online lectures, face-to-face classroom teaching and self-paced asynchronous e-learning) blended with flipped classroom pedagogy (pre-lecture learning), this programme provides students with greater accessibility to English language resources, ample test-based practice and student-centred learning experience.
Start 22 AUG 2024 (THU)
Duration 15 weeks
Fee HK$9,900
The Certificate in Advanced Business English programme helps working professionals communicate accurately and effectively in spoken and written English in various business contexts. The programme is designed to enable students to become more fluent and articulate when communicating in English, so as to produce well-written texts that characterise professionalism and effectiveness in modern business communication, and demonstrate competent oral communication skills in various business contexts.
Start 02 SEP 2024 (MON)
Duration 12 months
Fee HK$9,900 for 2 modules, 45 hours each.
The Certificate in Business English Usage programme aims to help students become more accurate and fluent when communicating in English in the modern workplace. Its goal is to equip students with essential business grammar, vocabulary and all-round language skills, so that they become capable of communicating with native and non-native speakers of English in common business settings. By gaining a greater confidence and a better command of business English grammar, vocabulary, receptive and productive skills, students will be prepared to further develop a higher level of business English proficiency upon completion of the programme. This programme targets working professionals who intend to build on an introductory level of English, so as to bolster their work performance in a business environment where English is the predominant medium of communication.
Start 04 SEP 2024 (WED)
Duration 12 months
Fee HK$8,000
The programme aims to equip students with lower advanced level English linguistic knowledge and skills through extensive language practice and student-centred learning activities such as small group discussion, speaking, writing, reading and listening to a wide variety of semi-authentic English texts. Upon successful completion of the programme, students are expected to speak and write at a lower advanced level and be fluent and confident when communicating in English.
Start 15 OCT 2024 (TUE)
Duration 30 weeks
Fee HK$7,300
The programme aims to equip students with advanced English linguistic knowledge and skills through language practice in student-centred learning activities such as speaking, writing, reading and listening to a variety of semi-authentic and authentic English texts.  Upon successful completion of the Programme, students are expected to communicate proficiently in English.
Start 15 OCT 2024 (TUE)
Duration 30 weeks
Fee HK$8,200
The programme provides students with practice in upper intermediate English usage and skills-building through student-centred and graded learning activities such as speaking, writing, reading and listening to a variety of semi-authentic and authentic English texts.  Upon successful completion of the programme, students are expected to speak and write at an upper intermediate level and be fluent and confident when communicating in English.
Start 16 OCT 2024 (WED)
Duration 30 weeks
Fee HK$7,000
The programme provides students with practice in fundamental English usage and skills-building through student-centred and graded learning activities such as speaking, writing, reading and listening to a variety of semi-authentic English texts. Upon successful completion of the Programme, students are expected to speak and write at a foundation level and be more confident when communicating in English. 
Start 19 OCT 2024 (SAT)
Duration 30 weeks
Fee HK$6,500
The programme provides students with practice in introductory English usage and skills-building through student-centred and graded learning activities such as speaking, writing, reading and listening to a variety of semi-authentic English texts. Upon successful completion of the programme, students are expected to speak and write at an introductory level and be confident when communicating in English.
Start 21 OCT 2024 (MON)
Duration 30 weeks
Fee HK$6,700
The programme provides students with practice in intermediate English usage and skills-building through student-centred and graded learning activities such as speaking, writing, reading and listening to a variety of semi-authentic language texts. Upon successful completion of the Programme, students are expected to speak and write at an intermediate level and be fluent and confident when communicating in English.
Start 22 OCT 2024 (TUE)
Duration 30 weeks
Fee HK$6,800