HKU SPACE Law: Great Support and Unique Teaching
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HKU SPACE Law: Great Support and Unique Teaching
HKU SPACE accommodates the needs of busy part-time students.
“The rise of digital media saw me landing at a crossroads when print media was gradually losing its luster, potentially putting my career as a journalist at risk.
To test the waters, I signed up to study law at HKU SPACE on the Certificate in Legal Studies, and then progressed through the Diploma in Legal Studies and Advanced Diploma in Legal Studies to the Graduate Diploma in English and Hong Kong Law. I thank HKU SPACE for its thoughtful course design that accommodates the needs of busy part-time students, as well as the tremendous support and guidance given by the course instructors.
The unique combination of teaching on the Graduate Diploma in English and Hong Kong Law by a mixture of lecturers from Manchester Metropolitan University (who were also the examiners of the course) and Hong Kong-based lecturers (who helpfully injected a Hong Kong perspective) nicely complemented one another and eased my way to being successfully admitted to the PCLL at HKU.”
Carol Ko is an Associate Solicitor at Lam & Co.
Click here for instant online enrollment or join our weekly enrollment seminars and find out how you can follow the same pathway to a legal career.

Advanced Diploma for Legal Executives (Graduate Level)

HKU Full time PCLL via Certificate and AdvDip for LE