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Law for a Global Legal Career




Avoid Extra Exam Pathways

要在香港獲得律師或大律師的資格只有一個方法,那就是入讀法學專業證書(PCLL)。每年,PCLL錄取HKU SPACE LAW的學生人數都遠超其他任何提供英國法律課程,其中一些學生更獲得了政府資助的學位。例如在 2020 年,我們就有 78% 的學生成功申請入讀 PCLL 全日制和兼讀制課程。 1

從其他英國法律課程畢業的學生,通常須參加最多13.5 小時的額外轉換考試,才有資格申請PCLL。這些考試的失敗率有時是頗高的,而且參加額外考試還要另付可能高達 70,000港元的費用。但通過 HKU SPACE提供的課程,您除了可節省時間和金錢外,還可免除參加額外考試帶來的憂慮。因為我們是唯一開辦了多條兼讀途徑通往PCLL的教育機構,可以免卻您大部分、有時甚至所有額外的轉換考試。 

第一條途徑是「法律行政人員通往PCLL的途徑」,從廣受歡迎的Certificate in Legal Studies開始,並通過HKU SPACE獨家的PCLL銜接課程Advanced Diploma for Legal Executives (Graduate Level),升讀PCLL成為律師。此課程亦是唯一的PCLL銜接課程可讓您的法律相關工作經驗計入學分,並使您能擁有法律行政人員及律師雙專業名銜的唯一途徑,是升讀PCLL的可靠途徑。

很多學生會選擇另一非常受歡迎的通往PCLL途徑,就是報讀倫敦大學法律學士學位試課程從而取得進入PCLL的資格。如果您希望從這世界知名的學府取得法律學位並成為律師,這是最佳的途徑。我們往績卓越,有好些在HKU SPACE修讀這個享譽國際的法律課程的學生,甚至考獲一級榮譽佳績。

您也可考慮我們的第三條途徑,即「專業共同試通往 PCLL的 途徑」。这是由曼彻斯特都会大学(MMU)与HKU SPACE合办的法律课程,也能讓您通往考取英格蘭的法律專業資格。   英國及香港法律學士程度文憑 (專業共同試)是全港最受歡迎通往PCLL的途徑之一,我們每年都有大量學生成功入讀全日制和兼讀制PCLL課程。

如果您不確定哪一個最適合您,歡迎參加我們每星期舉辦的法律講座,我們幫助您了解各種 PCLL 途徑,讓您能做出正確選擇,向成功的法律職業邁出第一步。

HKU SPACE修讀便能避免這些考試

total exemptions

HKU SPACE exemptions

1 完成 HKU SPACE 的 MMU PCLL 途徑的申請人的 PCLL 錄取成功率。
2 三部分考試(A、B 和 C)。豁免因途徑而異。
3 香港法律制度、憲法和土地法。
4 銜接學士課程的豁免在法學專業證書課程入學條件中列出。其他豁免基於近年畢業生的經驗並可能發生變化。
5 基於近年畢業生的經驗,可能會有所變化。

The University of London LL.B. Preparation Courses, Graduate Diploma in English and Hong Kong Law (Common Professional Examination) LLB (Hons) Hong Kong 均是《非本地高等及專業教育(規管)條例》下獲得豁免的課程。個別僱主可酌情決定是否承認本課程可令學員獲取的任何資格。

Become a lawyer or legal executive via the Certificate in Legal Studies, Hong Kong's most sought-after part-time law program with over 20,000 successful graduates.

Program advantages including a unique pathways to  PCLL, high exam success rates, a flexible schedule, and a convenient course structure tailored for working professionals. Enroll now!

Provisional Timetable

-->Professional Stream (Main Intake)<--


Start 25 JUL 2024 (THU)
Duration 9-13 months
Fee Professional Stream: HK$40,000 per year
Enrollment is now open for the Graduate Diploma in English and Hong Kong Law (CPE)—one of the the best pathways to the Postgraduate Certificate in Laws (PCLL), the only route to qualifying as either a solicitor or barrister in Hong Kong. 

Apply early to improve your chances of being admitted to this very popular programme, offered in partnership with Manchester Metropolitan University.

For updates and more details, follow HKU SPACE Law on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.
Start 17 SEP 2024 (TUE)
Duration 2 years
Fee HK$54,900 course fee, £999 MMU reg. fee and $300 admin. processing fee (2024/25, Year 1)

Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) Preparation Courses (University of London)
HKU SPACE is a University of London Recognised Teaching Centre in Hong Kong offering LLB prep. courses for students intending to take the UoL LLB examinations.   On successful completion, you will obtain an LLB degree awarded by the University of London and a separate Statement of Attendance issued by HKU SPACE.
Start 02 SEP 2024 (MON)
Duration 2 years to 6 years
Fee HK$9,100 - 11,000
The Advanced Diploma for Legal Executives (Graduate Level) (AdvDip for LE) is the only law programme that gives credit for work experience, allowing candidates to fast track to becoming a lawyer via the Postgraduate Certificate in Laws (PCLL) programme without any need to study a law degree or similar qualification simply by also accumulating 3 years of law-related employment.

Start 02 SEP 2024 (MON)
Duration 2 years to 5 years
Fee From $10,200 per module


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