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Digital and Social Media Marketing Final Call

Digital and Social Media Marketing Final Call

EC Social Media  Social media

The Professional Diploma in Social Media and Digital Marketing Programme is to equip those marketing practitioners or executives without an academic marketing qualification with practical marketing knowledge including strategic marketing planning, consumer behaviour, basic Google analytics, social media and digital marketing, and public relations. Upon completion of the programme, students will be able to handle marketing tasks to achieve the business goals.
Start 02 JUL 2025 (WED)
Duration 1 year
Digital and social media revolution has transformed the marketing industry. The Advanced Diploma in Digital and Social Media Marketing is designed to equip you with the latest marketing knowledge and practices in digital, social media, mobile marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), content and video marketing, market analytics, etc. The programme also prepares you for further education at degree level and career advancement.
Start 08 JUL 2025 (TUE)
Duration 20 months to max. 40 months
Fee HK$4,500 per module (Subject to change without prior notice)
This Postgraduate Diploma is both vocationally and academically oriented to provide opportunities for marketing professionals and general business practitioners to upgrade their knowledge and skills in digital and social media marketing to cope with the challenges and dynamics of the changing market as well as to articulate to Master's degree programmes with credit exemption.
Start 07 JUL 2025 (MON)
Duration 12 months to 24 months
Fee HK$6,200
This programme aims to provide students with essential and fundamental knowledge in social media and digital marketing analytics. It also provides hands-on and practical techniques and tools for students to build both strategic mindsets on data strategy and develop practical skills in using digital and social media marketing analytics effectively.
Start 05 JUL 2025 (SAT)
Duration 2 months
Fee HK$6950
This programme focuses on the practical aspects of designing and planning a digital and social media marketing campaign, as part of the overall marketing strategy.
Start 08 APR 2025 (TUE)
Duration 3 months
Fee HK$6,000

"The Power of Digital Marketing" Workshop Series

移動營銷新面貌 Mobile Marketing

隨著移動裝置普及,移動營銷將會越來越重要。作為市場專才,必須掌握最新營銷趨勢。 透過此工作坊, 學員將可瞭解移動營銷現況及趨勢,以及如何有效地將移動營銷融入整體營銷傳播策略。

開課日期 待定
修業期 1日
課程費用 課程費用: HK$1,800

早鳥優惠: HK$1,600 (於2025年1月22日或之前報名)

校友優惠: HK$1,600 (校友優惠不可網上報名, 須親臨各教學中心報名)

"The Power of Digital Marketing" Workshop Series

數碼營銷通路 Digital Marketing Channels


開課日期 待定
修業期 1日
課程費用 課程費用 : HK$1,800

早鳥優惠: HK$1,600 (於2025年1月29日或之前報名)

校友優惠: HK$1,600 (校友優惠不可網上報名, 須親臨各教學中心報名)

"The Power of Digital Marketing" Workshop Series

Facebook 營銷實戰  

建立Facebook page,相信大家並不陌生,但營銷人員往往未能充分掌握如何利用Facebook,作為品牌形象建立及接觸消費者的信息交流平台。此工作坊提供Facebook 營銷最新資訊,助學員掌握 Facebook 營銷。

開課日期 待定
修業期 1日
課程費用 : HK$1,800

早鳥優惠: HK$1,600 (於2022年2月27日或之前報名)

校友優惠: HK$1,600 (校友優惠不可網上報名, 須親臨各教學中心報名)


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