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Wines Programme Series

Wines Programme Series

This programme is designed to provide a thorough understanding of the factors that account for the style, quality and price of the principal still, sparkling and fortified wines of the world.
Start To be advised
Duration 39 hours
Fee HK$12,500 per programme inclusive of:
1.) Student study pack for WSET Level 3 Award in Wines in English
2.) at least 75 Wines for tasting
3.) Test Fee for WSET Level 3 Award in Wines qualification
4.) WSET certificates & pins
This programme is intended for people who have little or no prior knowledge of wines. It is suitable to those wine enthusiasts so that they can deepen and broaden their wine knowledge for social and leisure purpose; and those who wish to work with wines as part of a larger beverage portfolio in the retail, wholesale and hospitality sectors.
Start 12 OCT 2024 (SAT)
Duration 30 hours
Fee HK$12,000 per programme inclusive of:
1.) Study Guide for WSET Level 1 Award in Wines in English
2.) Student study pack for WSET Level 2 Award in Wines in English
3.) about 58 Wines for tasting
4.) Test Fee for WSET Level 1 Award in Wines qualification
5.) Test Fee for WSET Level 2 Award in Wines qualification
6.) WSET certificates & pins
This programme is designed to provide a general overview of Italian wines and culinary specialties all over the country.
Start To be advised
Duration 32 hours
Fee HK$11,500 per programme inclusive of:
1.) Learning materials in English
2.) at least 48 different types of wine for tasting
3.) food and wine pairing in every class session
4.) 2-hour Dining experience in restaurant
開課日期 2025年1月9日 (星期四)
修業期 30小時
課程費用 學費 : HK$12,000,包括:
1.) WSET 葡萄酒第二級認證教材 (繁體中文教科書及教材)
2.) 可品嚐近70款不同國家的葡萄酒,其中近20款酒為法國葡萄酒
3.) 葡萄酒與食物搭配
4.) WSET 葡萄酒第二級認證考試費用 (繁體中文卷)
5.) WSET 葡萄酒第二級認證證書及襟章

Programme Structure

This programme aims to identify the eligibility of students to study the CertMod (Advanced Study in Wines). It is designed for non-holders of the WSET Level 2 Award in Wines, who wish to directly study the CertMod (Advanced Study in Wines) to attain the WSET Level 3 Award in Wines.

Start 04 OCT 2024 (FRI)
Duration 0.5 hours
Fee $100


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