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Jun 2019

Problems encountered by Cantonese speakers learning English

Event of
Open SPACE 2019

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Date & time
01Jun 2019 (Sat)14:00 - 15:00
Room 312, 3/F, Admiralty Centre, 18 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong (access via the shopping arcade escalators through Exit A, Admiralty MTR Station)
  • 曾鈺成先生, GBM,GBS,JP

曾鈺成先生, GBM,GBS,JP

曾鈺成先生,GBM,GBS,JP,前香港立法會主席、民主建港聯盟主席。 於1985年出任香港培僑中學校長,現為該校、培僑書院校監及培僑小學校董。曾先生自1997年連續多屆獲選為立法會議員,於2008至2016年期間任職立法會主席。現為香港政策研究所副主席、香港願景計劃召集人。 從事教育、政界工作多年,曾先生著述甚豐,不時在個人網頁及報章專欄發表文章,並出版多部專著,包括:《英語詞源趣談》、《直言集Straight Talk》、《蓬間集》、《我愛學英文》、《矛盾集》及《英語人生 曾鈺成》等。

3762 0929
Relevant Programmes
Diploma in General English Advanced Diploma in General English

Language - Cantonese

In Hong Kong, where over 90% of the population are Cantonese speakers and Cantonese is the lingua franca, a large number of local Chinese lifelong learners encounter problems during their English learning processes. In this speech, Mr Jasper Tsang will discuss the common problems Cantonese-speaking English learners encounter. He will also recommend some practical solutions to these problems.


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