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Dec 2022

Nutritional Aspects for Peak Performance in Distance Running

Event of
CLST Open House 健康在線
Dietetics and Nutrition, Food Science, Sports, Exercise and Recreation Management

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Date & time
17Dec 2022 (Sat)11:00 - 12:00
Type of Event
Online Attendance
  • Dr Susan Chung

Dr Susan Chung

Registered Dietitian (Canada); Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner (HK); BSc Dietetics (UBC, Canada); MHS (Deakin U, Australia); Dip TCM (HKU SPACE); PhD TCM (Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine)

37620833 (
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HK is back to hosting international tournaments in the post-pandemic era. One of the exciting returns is the HK Marathon which is scheduled early next year.

Diet strategies including daily diet, fluid replenishment, training diet and competition plan are essential for distance runners to achieve peak performance. The talk will focus on how to optimise performance for training and competition. Dr. Susan Chung, a Sports Dietitian and enthusiast, will share the key strategies to plan a nutritious diet for empowering distance runners to meet individuals’ race goals.