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Equal Opportunity

Equal Opportunity

The School, following the University’s spirit, is committed to creating, promoting and maintaining an environment for staff and students which provides equality of opportunity, which is free of any discrimination and harassment. It follows generally the University’s principle to support equal opportunity and oppose discrimination/harassment. It will take whatever action may be needed to prevent, and if necessary, discipline behaviour which violates this Policy.

When seeking advice, a student is recommended to provide sufficient information including, but not limited to:

(a) Details and date of the incident;

(b) Personal information (e.g. name, contact information, marital status, family status, disability (where applicable), etc.);

(c) Name of the respondent(s) (or name of the organisation) and contact;

(d) Reasons or evidence supported the claim of discrimination/harassment;

(e) Information of witness, if any.

The more information that is provided, the easier it will be to investigate a case. However a student may still approach the School about any incidents of discrimination/harassment even if he/she is unable to provide all of the above information.

The School appreciates the sensitive nature of discrimination/harassment and will ensure that details of the incident will only be disclosed to other persons on a need-to-know basis.

The School’s Disciplinary and Appeals Committee will deal with cases that arise in relation to issues/cases described in this Section.

While the University’s equal opportunity policy covers a range of broad areas in which the School observes, a more specific set of guidelines is developed for assisting students with disability.

Students with Disability

It is School policy to offer equal opportunities to all applicants with or without disabilities. Students are invited to indicate if they require any special assistance upon the application to a programme.  If a student needs such assistance, the School will approach the student subsequently to obtain further details so as to facilitate how best the School can help.

When enrolled in a programme, a student with a disability which may require special class and examination arrangements shall submit an application for such arrangements in writing to the Programme Leader, together with a certificate signed by a registered medical practitioner, or other relevant documents at the commencement of the programme.

In terms of special examination arrangements, HKU SPACE may consider support and provisions for students with disabilities as appropriate, for example:

a. provision of an accessible examination hall to students with disabilities;

b. allowing longer examination time for students with visual impairment or writing difficulties; and

c. the use of special aids.

However, there is no guarantee that such needs can be fully supported.