Engineering and Science Library and Information Studies
Library and Information Studies Programmes
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HK$12,600 per 8 points subject;
HK$6,300 per 4 points subject;
HK$3,150 per 2 points subject.
HK$138,600 (for HDLIM graduates)
HK$302,400 (for Non HDLIM graduates)
Actual course fee will be assessed on the number of subjects required.
-- Course fee is subject to review at the time of enrolment
-- The tuition fee is paid by subjects per session (3 sessions in a year).

Master of Information Studies provides students with in-depth understanding of the creation, evaluation, collection, organisation, utilisation and dissemination of information in the contemporary information environment.
HK$7,613 per 4 credit points subject
HK$3,806 per 2 credit points subject
* Subject to review at the time of enrolment
The tuition fee is paid by subjects per session (3 sessions in a year).
The Postgraduate Diploma in Archival Studies, the first -ever and the one-of-a-kind archival program available in Hong Kong, was established with an aim to solve this archivist’s shortage problem.
1. describe the characteristics of different types of library and information centres;
2. develop skills and techniques required by library assistants in identification, acquisition, storage, organization, use and
circulation of information;
3. identify various application of information technologies in library services;
4. evaluate various categories of information resources, print or electronic for the provision of information service;
1. 描述各種類型圖書館及資訊中心的特色;
2. 建立圖書館助理員管理圖書館所需的技術及技巧, 如圖書資源的識別、搜集、貯存、組織、使用及流通;
3. 認識應用在圖書館服務的各種資訊技術;
4. 評估資訊服務所需的各種資訊來源, 包括印刷的及電子的資源等。