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Investment Management Final Call

Investment Management Final Call Investment Management Final Call

Postgraduate Diploma in Finance and Law is designed to give you a sophisticated understanding of the legal and regulatory framework for the local and international financial sector, by taking an integrated approach to finance and law. Financial institutions need leaders who have extensive knowledge relating to the legal issues in international finance and banking.
This PGDFL creates a new kind of financial services professional: graduates who are trained in both finance and law. You will develop an advanced interdisciplinary understanding of relevant legal and financial contexts and combines a highly analytic academic core with applications informed by current practice.

Start 12 MAY 2025 (MON)
Duration 12 months to 48 months
Fee HK$7700
The ongoing turmoil in global financial markets continues to strengthen the need for finance professionals. This programme offers in-depth training in analytical aspects used by financial analysts in different settings including finance department within corporations and financial services institutions. These courses teach the strategies and principles of investment, financial risk management, derivative instruments and alternative investments. Graduates can be admitted directly into the part-time University of London International Degree Programmes and may also be eligible for some course exemptions on the various University of London International Degree Programmes. 
Start 26 MAY 2025 (MON)
Duration 24 months to 36 months
Fee HK$4800
The programme aims to equip students with a theoretical and practical foundation and the latest knowledge in anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing. The programme focuses on the best practice approach to money laundering and terrorist financing prevention in Hong Kong.
  • Through case work, in-class discussions and expert guidance from our experienced speakers, you will learn how to assess the key elements of AML compliance programme.
  • First-hand study, experience-sharing and real-world cases by our AML speakers provides practical knowledge and skills in an attempt to prepare you to pursue a career in financial compliance.
Start 08 MAR 2025 (SAT)
Duration 6 months
Fee - Module 1: Regulatory Principles of Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing $5,400

- Module 2: Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Programme $5,400

- Module 3: Financial Crime Compliance $2,800

- Module 4: Anti-Money Laundering in Practice $2,800
Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) works together with the banking industry to introduce an industry-wide competency framework – Enhanced Competency Framework (ECF) on Anti-money Laundering and Counter-financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) to support talent development in AML/CFT.  The syllabus will be provided by the Hong Kong Institute of Bankers (HKIB) and this programme is offered for students to prepare for the ECF on AML/CFT Professional Level Examination.
Start 07 JUN 2025 (SAT)
Duration 18 hours
Fee HK$5,000
The demand for financial compliance professionals grows with new compliance and regulation standards in Hong Kong. This programme aims to equip students with latest knowledge in financial compliance in banking and asset management. Executive Certificate in Finance and Compliance is regularly updated for the current changing regulatory landscape.
Start To be advised
Duration 4 months
This workshop aims to equip students with latest knowledge in compliance issues for professionals working in asset management companies and banking institutions. It focuses on satisfying the regulatory and compliance requirements as determined by the legal framework in Hong Kong as well as teaching state-of-the-art practices in managing key risks faced by bank and asset management companies. 
Start To be advised
Duration 4 months
This programme aims to provide students with an in-depth knowledge in Big Data concepts and to develop their skill sets in setting up hypothesis models in Predictive Analytics. The objective is to provide an overview of data mining process and to pinpoint the potential and limitations of predictive analytics within a business setting.  
Start 11 MAR 2025 (TUE)
Duration 1 month to 2 months
Fee Course Fee: $8900 per programme (* course fees are subject to change without prior notice)
This is a 10-hour short course to focus on  CFA level 2  exam questions.  Students are assumed to have the knowledge required for the CFA syllabus and this course will help them go through different type of questions step-by-step and the relevant tricks required to tackle these questions.
Start 03 MAY 2025 (SAT)
Duration 10 hours
Fee HK$3400
This programme aims to equip students with latest knowledge in innovation and applications of Internet Finance and Financial Technology (FinTech). It also focuses on the overall context in FinTech including regulatory framework, regulatory technology (RegTech), evolving digital technology and mobile commerce in finance.

ECF on Fintech - Modular Exemption
Executive Certificate in FinTech holders are eligible to apply for exemption on Module 1 – Technology Essentials (Core Level) of the Enhanced Competency Framework (ECF) - FinTech qualification.
The ECF-Fintech is a collaborative effort of the HKMA, the Hong Kong Institute of Bankers (HKIB) and the banking sector in establishing a set of common and transparent competency standards for developing a strong Fintech talent pipeline and enhancing the professional competence of existing banking practitioners who are performing functions that involve technological innovation for financial services in Hong Kong’s banking industry. This framework will facilitate banking practitioners to acquire relevant Fintech knowledge and develop professional competencies in the Fintech area more effectively. Please refer to the HKMA Circular on Enhanced Competency Framework on Fintech for details.
Start 05 JUL 2025 (SAT)
Duration 4 months
近年金融市場瞬息萬變,環球經濟充斥很多不穩定因素,投資者要於日趨複雜的投資市場獲利,便須進一步了解各種投資產品,運用各種交易策略以增加投資回報及避險。 本課程包含股票、外匯、衍生產品及對冲基金的投資理論,引用實例講解複雜的交易策略,讓學員掌握不同市况的投資策略。
開課日期 待定
修業期 9個月
課程費用 單元一: $4500
單元二: $4500
單元三: $5800


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