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Languages English



Specific English Language Areas

|  General English  |  Literature in English  |  Professional and Business English  |  Academic English  | 

|  English Language Skills Training for Corporates and NGOs  |   Professional English training for Talents under QMAS (高才通)  |  

|  English Language Assessment and Preparatory Courses  | 

At HKU SPACE, we design and offer courses to meet your goals for General English, Business English and English for the Professions. These range from 30 hours to 90 hours and cover a broad spectrum of levels.

Reasons to improve your English at HKU SPACE:

  •  Polish your interpersonal and career skills
  •  Learn to communicate ideas more effectively
  •  Interact confidently with overseas and English speaking people
  •  Fine-tune your presentations and writing to project better impressions
  •  Stay up to date by learning about current English use
  •  Sharpen your competitive edge in today's global workplace


English Langauge Assessments

LINGUASKILL – the NEW Cambridge English Language Benchmark Test

This is the benchmark test in support of Continuing Education Fund (CEF) reimbursements of English Language course and benchmark test fees.   This replaces the former Business Language Testing Service (BULATS) offered by the University of Cambridge. 

The Cambridge Assessment English offers organisations a quick and convenient way of checking the English Language proficiency levels of your employees – the Linguaskill Tests. 

  • Linguaskill General
  • Linguaskill Business
  • Linguaskill Test & Continuing Education Fund
  • For Individual English Language Learners
  • For Corporates
  • For Immigrants
  • For HKDSEE Candidates
  • For University Applicants
  • Linguaskill Test Report & Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR)
  • Cambridge Linguaskill Test in Hong Kong

For details, please follow this link: 


Assessment Preparation Courses


We Study • We Practise • We Master 《活學英語 創展未來》

English Programmes

Programmes Type

Programme Type


Start Date

Class Schedule

Financial Assistance


Hong Kong Island


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Active Grammar 2 develops your language at a higher level than Active Grammar 1, and builds on and enhances the skills learned there.  However, as long as you meet the entry requirements, you can gain direct entry into Active Grammar 2 without doing Active Grammar 1.
Start To be advised
Duration 15 weeks
Fee HK$3,700
This Business Grammar short course is designed for students who need to brush up their grammar skills and understanding of grammatical rules. Students develop their ability to identify and correct grammar errors with teacher feedback and consistent grammar review.
Start 29 JUL 2024 (MON)
Duration 6 weeks
Fee HK$2,000
SPACE General English Entrance Examination - Your Passport to HKU SPACE General English Programme. All courses under the General English Programme have their own entry requirements. Applicants who do not meet the stated entry requirements have to take the SPACE General English Entrance Examination to determine the most appropriate tier they should enter.
Start 30 AUG 2024 (FRI)
Duration 1.5 hours

Incorporated with a coursebook, Everyday English for Beginners uses Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) approach to teach student basic vocabulary, grammar, and common phrases for daily conversation. This course is suitable for students who have limited English language skills.

日用英語入門 課程與教科書相結合,使用內容和語言綜合學習方法(CLIL)來教授學生日常對話的基本詞彙、語法和常用短語。本課程適合英語語言能力有限的學生。

Start 02 SEP 2024 (MON)
Duration 15 weeks
Fee HK$4,800

From classical Greek drama to contemporary theatre, the stage has always been an integral part of the human experience. The course looks at selective moments in the history of drama in which certain playwrights benefited fully from the history of the genre and yet departed so radically from that history. Exploring the content as well as the form of their dramatic works provides key insights into some of the most important societal and cultural issues of both past and present.

Start 04 SEP 2024 (WED)
Duration 20 hours
Fee HK$3,800

This course is designed for teachers and students who have to teach or produce advanced written texts for academic, professional or research purposes. The focus is on using product-focused, process-oriented and genre-based approaches to generate plain English texts that conform to academic and discipline-oriented standards in terms of genre conventions, rhetorical structures and discoursal features.  The instructor will demonstrate how to deconstruct and analyse model texts, journal articles and research papers in diverse contexts, invoke analytical thinking skills and develop effective instructional strategies on writing pedagogy. Participants will receive constructive feedback and suggestions on their writing products.

Start 06 SEP 2024 (FRI)
Duration 25 hours
Fee HK$3000

The course provides opportunities for course participants to acquire knowledge of public speaking techniques, and practise public speaking and presentations for a variety of purposes and audiences. Topics include:

 Delivering with an impact
  •   Using body language with effect
  •   Speaking with persuasiveness
  •   Using techniques to engage listening audiences
  •   Practising and critiquing speeches/presentations
Start 07 SEP 2024 (SAT)
Duration 10 weeks
Fee HK$4,800

This short course is specially designed for advanced English speakers who wish to improve their professional image by modifying their accent to sound more like a native British English speaker. We help you to achieve Standard English pronunciation of words (based on learning and practising the ‘correct’ vowel and consonant sounds), together with Standard English rhythm, stress, intonation, and tone. These are what is generally meant by “accent”.
Learners will typically be employed or possess an interest in journalism, public relations, marketing, media and communications, but motivated applicants in other fields will be considered.
The determined student should finish with an understanding of his/her pronunciation ‘issues’ and of how to modify his/her accent over time, after the course has finished.

For clarity, British English Elocution is not a public speaking course for speechmakers.

Start 07 SEP 2024 (SAT)
Duration 8 weeks
Fee $3,600
For secondary school students of English Literature, teachers, and adults, who want an introduction to the works of William Shakespeare and of the Romantic and the Modern periods — this course opens the door to these areas of focus.
Start 09 SEP 2024 (MON)
Duration 18 hours
Fee HK$2,400
This course will help you if you take a degree course that requires you to produce assignments in English. It will enable you to learn, to write and succeed across college and university curriculums. The course aims to empower you to write clearly, coherently, and concisely and to acquire the academic literacies and discourse conventions applicable to most disciplines in higher education.
Start 12 SEP 2024 (THU)
Duration 15 weeks
Fee HK$4,800