Arts, Design & Culture
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Arts, Design & Culture
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Arts, Design & Culture Programmes
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1. 介紹學生戲劇的基本原素;
2. 使學生熟習戲劇演出的理論;
3. 訓練學生表演及導演的技巧實踐;
4. 使學生能運用戲劇技巧於學校內的其它科目作教學用途;
5. 訓練學生按照戲劇美學作出自我評論。
This Postgraduate Diploma programme caters for the teachers, therapists, social workers and health-related professionals, providing them with practical experience, systematic training and environment to the interested and qualified students to fulfill one quarter of the requirements to become a registered music therapist with the Australian Music Therapy Association.
On completion of the programme, students should be able to:
- acquire initial skills in the use of music as a medium to stimulate positive health and educational changes in child clients;
- be able to fulfil the task of a music therapist in training using basic methods; and
- learn basic design and appraisal of therapeutic programme or approach within the appropriate ethical standards of practice for working with child clients.